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Over 100 Works Available!
- Channeled Spirit Teachings
- A COURSE IN MIRACLES - A set of books received by inner dication that stands head and shoulders above the best channeled material The most authoritative source for a wide variety of translations is ACIM.org. Many formats are available free on the web:
- Pc.sinus.cz.../ACIM.pdf or here ) text, workbook, manual
- Earnforex.com...A_Course_in_Miracles.pdf text only
- Acim-search.miraclevision.com/std-second-edition-and-supps Text, Workbook, Manual, Song of Prayer, Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice - HTML
- Rajdownloads.com/Workbook.html workbook only HTML
- Successandmiracles.com...Text.pdf with numbered verses
- "Sparkly" Edition (aka Thetford Edition) pdf text, workbook, manual
- Theworkbook.org/jcim.pdf JCIM edition text and lessons
- Wikisource.org/...TEXT and Workbook HTML edition
- Theworkbook.org/ JCIM HTML by section
- Courseinmiracles.com Urtext HTML edition
- Heavenlydesigns.homestead.com/Jesus.html (also includes Raj transcripts)
- Acim.org/Lessons/lesson_selector.html Workbook lessons (includes Jim Stewart audio too)
- Graduation - The End of Illusions - Paul Norman Tuttle
- You are the Answer - A journey of awakening - Paul Norman Tuttle, 1985, 275pp
- The Book of Love and Creation - Paul Selig, 2012, 395pp
- The Knowledge Book - Bulent Corak, 1981, 1132pp
- The Creator Gods of the Physical Universe Want to Talk to You - Wynn Free, c2007, 150pp
- The Spirits' Book - by Allen Kardec (html format)
- Christ in You - Anonymous, 1910, 184 pp
- Seven Purposes - Margaret Cameron, 1918, 314 pp (also HTML)
- Our Unseen Guest - Darby and Joan, 1920, 320 pp
- Teaching of Platonius - Harriet Dallas, 1944 225 pp
- Meslom's Messages from the Life Beyond - Mary McEvilly, 1920, 139 pp
- To Woman from Meslom - Mary McEvilly, 1920, 108 pp
- The Thinning of the Veil - Mary Bruce Wallace, 1919 99 pp
- The Teaching - book length work through Kathleen Long in New Zealand
- Light from the Spirit World - C. Hammond, 1852, 264 pp
- The One Way - Jane Revere Burke, 1921, 150 pp
- Letters from the Other Side - Henry Thibault, 1919, 154 pp
- Life in Two Spheres - Tuttle, Hudson, 1855, 190 pp
- The Spiritual Teacher - R.P. Ambler, 1852, 150 pp (12 lectures)
- Flashes of light from the spirit-land, through the mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant. Compiled by Allen Putnam. 1872, 398pp
- History of the Origin of all Things given by the Lord our God - Levi M. Arnold, 1852
- The Road I Know - Stewart White, 1944 253 pp or .txt
- The Stars are Still There - Stewart White, 1946, 190 pp or .txt
- With Folded Wings - Stewart White, 1947, 236 pp or .txt
- The Betty Book - Stewart White, 1937 302 pp (1st in series, core material)
- Across the Unknown - Stewart & Harwood White, 1939 336 pp
- The Unobstucted Universe - Stewart White, 1940 320 pp (most popular)
- Gaelic Manuscripts - Stewart White via Betty White or html
- Spirit Teachings - William Stainton Moses, 1883, 291 pp
- More Spirit Teachings - William Stainton Moses, 124 pp
- Pathwork.org - over 200 lectures via Eva Pierrakos
- Esoteric Philosophy - 25+ channeled works of Alice Bailey (permission withdrawn)
- Clothed with the Sun - Anna Kingsford, 1889
- The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ by Levi Dowling, 1908, 270 pp
- HeavenlyDoctrines.com - extensive channeled works of Emanual Swedenborg (huge)
- Arcana cĪlestia. The heavenly arcana contained in the Holy Scriptures or word of the Lord unfolded beginning with the book of Genesis together with wonderful things seen in the world of spirits and in the heaven of angels - by Emanuel Swedenborg, (1688-1772)
- The Apocalypse revealed, wherein are disclosed the areana there foretold, which have heretofore remained concealed - by Emanuel Swedenborg, (1688-1772) (vol.2)
- The Impersonal Life - via Joseph Sieber Benner (1872-1941)
- The Mahatma Letters No. 1 through 25 via Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891)
- also The Secret Doctrine or .doc) and Isis Unveiled (or .doc)
- Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth - by James E. Padgett (1852-1923)
- Angel voices from the spirit world by James Lawrence. 1874, 400pp
- Trance Address - via Emma Hardinge Brittan, 1866, 105 pp
- Arcana of nature; or, The history and laws of creation - Hudson Tuttle, 1870, 325pp
- The origin and antiquity of physical man - Hudson Tuttle, 1866, 258pp
- The Koran (Qur'an) transcribed by Mohammed with the help of the archangel Gabriel
- Origins of "The Rapture" - 14 year old trance medium inspires John Nelson Darby of Plymouth Brethern
- Book of Mormon - translated by Joseph Smith from golden tablets delivered to him by an angel
- Path Of Light - a full length book by Emanual via Gerrit Jahn
- FourSpiritTeachers - 22 chapters of trance talks via Sheila Jones
- Zaher Kury - pdf books, The Message (205 pp) and also From a Gun to a Flower
- The Urantia Book - the full text on-line
- The Oahspe (Vol. 1) A New Bible in the Words of Jehovih and His Angel Embassadors - by John Ballou Newbrough (1828-1891), 1882
- A View into the Hereafter Vol. 1-3 - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- Those who came back from the Dead - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- The Cycle of the Soul - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- Between Life and Dead - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- Through the Grebbe Line to Eternal Life - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- Jeus of Mother Crisje part 1 - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- Jeus of Mother Crisje part 2 - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- Jeus of Mother Crisje part 3 - Alcar via Jozef Rulof
- Shaker Manuscripts - early channeled material
- The Divine Book of Holy and Eternal Wisdom revealing the Word of God out of whose Mouth goeth a Sharp Sword via Paulina Bates, 1841
- A holy, sacred, and divine roll and book; from the Lord God of heaven, to the inhabitants of earth via Philemon Stewart, 1843
- Revealing Prophecies via Calvin Green, 1842
- The Book of the Law - channeling from A. Crowley. (also The commentaries of AL)
- Life Beyond the Veil, vol 1 - Rev. G.Vale Owen, 1921 & vol 2 & vol 3 & vol 4
- Spirit World and Spirit Life - C. E. D. [Charlotte Dresser], 1922, 265 pp
- Life Here and Hereafter - Charlotte Dresser, 1927, 272 pp (rescue work)
- Letters from a Living Dead Man - Elsa Barker, 1914, 291 pp also here
- War Letters from a Living Dead Man - Elsa Barker, 1915, 318 pp
- Last Letters from a Living Dead Man - Elsa Barker, 1919, 240 pp
- The Future Life as Described and Portrayed by Spirits - Elizabeth Sweet, 1869, 403 pp
- The Astral Plane - Charles Leadbeater, 1900, 126 pp (not channeled)
- After Death or Letters from Julia - William Stead, 1917, 121 pp vs 164 pp
- The Witness - Jessie Platts, 1920, 288 pp
- Mary Anne Carew - Carlyle Petersilea, 1893, 446 pp
- Within Heaven's Gates-My Dream of Heaven [Intra Muros] - Rebecca Ruter Springer, 1898, 191 pp
- Death and the Afterlife - Andrew Jackson Davis, 1865, 210 pp
- Life After Death - Professor James Hyslop, 1918 (not channeled)
- The Spirit World - Eugene Crowell, 1879, (~100 pp excerpt)
- My Travels in the Spirit World - Caroline D. Larsen, 1927, 106 pp
- So Saith the Spirit - A Kings Counsel, 1919, 201 pp
- Heaven and its wonders, the world of spirits, and hell: from things heard and seen - by Emanuel Swedenborg, (1688-1772) abridged tr. by Samuel Noble 1851, 351 pp with other better translations
- Vanishing Night - Frederic Myers via Juliet Goodenow, 1923, 155 pp
- Life Beyond Death with Evidence - Rev. Charles Drayton Thomas, 1923, 296 pp
- The Case of Lester Coltman - Lilian Walbrook, 1924, 188 pp
- Claude's Book - Mrs. L. Kelway-Bamber, 1919, 136 pp
- Claude's Second Book - Mrs. L. Kelway-Bamber, 1920, 123 pp
- The Blue Island - W.T. Stead via Pardoe Woodman/Estelle Stead, 1922, 155 pp. or here
- Road to immortality - Geraldine Cummins/Frederic Myers 1933 194 pp
- Beyond human personality - Geraldine Cummins/Frederic Myers 1935, 233 pp
- Life in the world Unseen - Anthony Borgia classic description of the afterlife
- More Life in the world Unseen - Anthony Borgia (volume II of the above work)
- The Life Elysian - Robert James Lees, 1905, 208 pp and more
- On the edge of the Etheric - Arthur Findlay, 1931, 177 pp
- Frontiers of the Afterlife - Edward Randall, 1922 213 pp
- The dead have never died - Edward Randall, 262 pp
- The Astral City - The story of a doctor's odyssey in the Spirit World - by Andr Luiz (spirit) through Francisco Cndido Xavier (GEAE-Nosso Lar)
- A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands - by Franchezzo via A. Farnese, 1896 (also here)
- Private Dowding - Tudor W. Pole, 1917, 96 pp
- Oscar Wilde in Purgatory - Hester (Dowden) Travers Smith, 1924 179pp
- The Twentieth Plane - Albert Durrant Watson, 1919 Kessinger website
- The celestial telegraph; or, Secrets of the life to come by L. Alph. Cahagnet. 1851, 2 vol
- A stellar key to the summer land. Illustrated with diagrams and engravings of celestial scenery by Andrew Jackson Davis
- The Mediums' Book - by Allen Kardec (html format)
- A Channeling Handbook (pdf) - Carla Rueckert, 1987, 124 pp
- Mediumship and Its Laws - Hudson Tuttle, 1900, 186 pp
- Spirit Intercourse, Its Theory and Practice - J. Hewat McKenzie, 1917, 295 pp
- A Guide to Mediumship and Psychical Unfoldment - E.W. & M.H. Wallis, 303 pp
- Communications with the Next World - Wm T. Stead, 1921, 52 pp
- Practical Occultism - J.J. Morse, 1888, 137 pp
- Genuine Mediumship - Swami Bhakta Vishita, 1919, 100+ pp excerpt
- Contact with the Other World - Professor James Hyslop, 1919, 493 pp
- Spirit Identity - William Stainton Moses, 1879, 143 pp
- Psychography - William Stainton Moses, 1878, 152 pp [slate -writng experiments]
- Incidents in my life - D. D. Home, 1864, 315 pp
- Experiences in Spiritualism with Mr. D.D. Home - Viscount Adare, 1869, 30+pp excerpt
- 'Twixt Two Worlds (biography of Wm. Eglinton) - John Farmer, 1886, 196 pp
- Supramundane Facts (biography of J.B. Ferguson) - Thomas Nichols, 1865, 264 pp
- A Biography of the Brothers Davenport - Thomas Nichols, 1864, 360 pp
- Rustlings in the Golden City - James Curtis, 1902 [165 pp excerpt]
- The Debatable Land - Robert Dale Owen, 1871, 200+pp excerpt
- Footfalls on the Boundary of another World - Robert Dale Owen, 1859, 200+pp excerpt
- The Enigma of Survival - Professor Hornell Hart, 1959, 160+pp excerpt
- Materialized Apparitions - Edward Augustus Brackett, 1886, 182 pp
- Psychics and Mediums - Gertrude Tubby, 30+pp excerpt on mediums
- The Seeress of Prevorst - Justinus Kerner 1854, 338pp
- Spiritual Tracts - Judge John W. Edmonds, 1858, [100+ pp excerpt]
- Gateway of Understanding - Carl Wickland, 1934, 313 pp (rescue work)
- Thirty Years Among the Dead - Carl Wickland, 1924, 390 pp
- Pheneas Speaks - (Reported by Sir Arthur C. Doyle), 1927, 199 pp
- Raymond or Life and Death - Sir Oliver Lodge, 1916, 404 pp or Download (224K zipped)
- Human Personality by Frederic Myers (Volume II only)
- These Mysterious People - Nandor Fodor, 1934, 238 pp
- Fifty Years a Medium - Estelle Roberts, 1969
- The Last Crossing - Gladys Osborne Leonard
- Voices in the Void - Hester Dowden
- A Treatise on Physical Mediumship - Ethel Post-Parrish
- The art of drawing spirits into crystals: The Magic and Philosophy of Trithemius of Spanheim... - Johannes Trithemius
- Crystal Vision through Crystal Gazing - Frater Achad
- The Magic Staff: An autobiography of Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910), 1857
- The Epworth Phenomena by Dudley Wright, 1917, 110 pp (concerns John Wesley)
- Dweller on Two Planets or the Dividing Way - Phylos the Thibetan, 1920
- Philosophy of Spiritual Intercourse - by Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910), 1853
- Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism - Sir Wm Crookes, 1926, 144 pp
- How to go to a Medium - Eric Dingwall, 98 pp
- We Are All Mediums - Odilon Fernandes / Carlos Baccelli
- Psychic Adventures in New York - Neville Whymant, 50 pp
- After-Death Communications - L. M. Bazett, 1920, 119 pp
- Death--The Gate of Life - H. A. Dallas/Frederic Myers, 1919, 150 pp
- Thirty Years of Psychical Research - Charles Richet, 1923, (download 563K zipped)
- People from the Other World - Henry Olcott, 1875, 492 pp (download 264K zipped)
- Experimental investigation of the spirit manifestations - Robert Hare. 1855, 460pp
- The clock struck one, and Christian spiritualist - Rev. Samuel Watson. 1873, 208pp
- A True & Faithful Relation of what passed for many Yeers Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits (excerpts from rare manuscripts dated 1659)
- Tertullian Tracts - very early Christian practice of spirit communion
- Mesmeric Revelation - Edgar Allan Poe
- Broadcasting from Beyond.pdf - A.E. Perriman 59pp
- A Collection of Biographies of Spiritualists and Mediums
- Biographical Sketches Honoring Pioneers - First Spiritual Temple, Brookline, MA
- Spiritualism, A Guide for Those Who Seek - By Ethel Rowe and Norma Bright. Anaheim, CA
- Patience Worth-A Psychic Mystery - Casper Yost, bio, poetry and short stories
- The Case of Patience Worth - Walter Franklin Pierce, poetic excerpts 200+pp
- A Sorry Tale - a full length novel by Patience Worth from the time of Christ
- Light from Beyond - Patience Worth, 1923, 281 pp of poetry
- A Lyric of the Morningland - Thomas Lake Harris poetry, 1854, 256 pp
- An Epic of the Starry Heaven - Thomas Lake Harris poetry, 1855, 210 pp
- The Song of Theos - Thomas Lake Harris poetry, 1903, 120 pp
- Life and World-Works of Thomas Lake Harris - Arthur Cuthbert, 1908 excerpts
- Thomas Lake Harris - background info from intro to Lyric of the Golden Age (1856)
- Wingmakers Material - James (see intro here)
- More Wingmakers material - James
- Lyricus Wingmakers Discourses - James
- Wingmakers Camelot Interview - James and Kerry Cassidy
- Jap Herron - Mark Twain via Emily Grant Hutchings, 1917 230 pp
- The Magic of Life - via Robert Young, 2006, 468 pp (youngsight.com)
- Cora Richmond Selected Poems - from her Life and Works
- Voices from Spirit-Land - Nathan Francis White, 1854, 260 pp (selected poems)
- Poems from the Inner Life - Lizzie Doten, 1864, 171 pp
- Flashes Of Light Poems - via Mrs J. H. Conant (extract of poems only)
- The poet & other poems - Achsa W. Sprague, 1864, 304 pp
- Adventures with Inspiration - Hannen Swaffer, 39 pp
- Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe channeled work
- Jerusalam - by William Blake illustrated channeled work (text only)
- The mystery of Edwin Drood. Complete. - by Charles Dickens finished from the grave in 1873 via Thomas P. James, 488 pp
- Akiane.com - extensive inspired works by child prodigy
- Glenda Green - A sitting by Jesus
Modern Apocrypha (Gospels not in the Bible--many forgeries)
- Strange New Gospels - Edgar Goodspeed's 1931 debunk of the more notorious works (later updated and retitled Modern Apocrypha)
- Many more zealous would consider Oahspe, Urantia, the works of people like Padgett and Cummins, even the Book of Mormon to join these works. It can be difficult to know with certainty which of the listed items were consciously written and which were channeled.
- The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - revelations to Blessed Anna Catherine Emmerich
- The Epistle of Barnabas - author unknown, 1907 (aka The True Gospel of Jesus)
- Essene Gospel of Peace - by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely, 1937
- The Unknown Life of Christ - by Nicolas Notovitch (aka Life of Saint Issa), 1894
- Gospel of the Holy Twelve - by Gideon Jasper Richard Ourseley, c.1900
- The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus, the Christ by Levi Dowling, 1908, 270 pp
- The Gospel of Philip the Deacon - via Hester Dowden (not debunked by Goodspeed)
- Life and Teaching of Jesus - Urantia book IV (not debunked by Goodspeed)
- The Life of Jesus of Nazareth - L.M. Arnold (not debunked by Goodspeed)
- Revealed Translation of St. John's Revelation - Archie J. Inger (not debunked by Goodspeed)
- List of more "Lost Gospels" and The History of all Things
- HeavenlyDoctrines.com - extensive channeled works of Emanual Swedenborg (huge)
- Esoteric Philosophy - 25+ channeled works of Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul also here
- AgniYogi.org - channeled works of Helena Roerich (20 books)
- Pathwork.org - over 200 lectures via Eva Pierrakos
- Angelic Revelations of Divine Truth - by James E. Padgett, Samuels, et al (8 books)
- Aaron - several books via Barbara Brodsky from Deepspring
- SurvivalAfterDeath.org - a nice selection of free on-line books and articles on survival
- Survival e-books - nice set of free titles on spiritualism and materializations
- Jhardaker.plus.com - spiritualist .pdf books featuring works of Robert James Lees
- Psylib - an assortment of books related to mediumship
- "HesterDowden.com" - books by, through and about Hester Dowden
- Uri-Geller.com - a number of books about Uri Geller and his talents
- The Rosicrucian Fellowship - Writings of Max Heindel
- SNU.org.uk - free spiritualist book library
- Online Books Pages - section on psychology and parapsychology
- Making of America - extensive collection of 8,000+ free titles
- The approaching crisis: being a review of Dr. Bushnell's course of lectures, on the Bible, nature, religion, skepticism, and the supernatural by Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910)
- Arabula; or, The divine guest. Containing a new collection of gospels by Andrew Jackson Davis
- The fountain; with jets of new meanings. Illustrated with one hundred and forty-two engravings by Andrew Jackson Davis
- The great harmonia; being a philosophical revelation of the natural, spiritual, and celestial universe by Andrew Jackson Davis - 1850-1861
- Volume 1 The Physician - 434 pp
- Volume 2 The Teacher - 396 pp
- Volume 3 The Seer - 401 pp
- Volume 4 The Reformer - 446 pp
- Volume 5 The Thinker - 440 pp
- Memoranda of persons, places, and events; embracing authentic facts, visions... by Andrew Jackson Davis
- Morning lectures. Twenty discourses, delivered before the Friends of Progress in the city of New York (1863) by Andrew Jackson Davis
- The penetralia; being harmonial answers to important questions by Andrew Jackson Davis
- The principles of nature, her divine relations, and a voice to mankind by Andrew Jackson Davis
- A stellar key to the summer land. Illustrated with diagrams and engravings of celestial scenery by Andrew Jackson Davis
- BlavatskyArchives.com - full-text of Blavatsky Books, etc, or an overview of primary documents from many sources
- Theosophique.ca
- PassTheWord.org - Jacob-Boehme, Jane Lead, Shakers, William Law
- Religious Studies Teaching Links - for primary texts (includes gnostic and new religious movements) see also Gnosis.org
- Sacred-Texts.com - etexts from esoteric and occult traditions
- DivineCosmos.com - full text archive of over 100 David Wilcock transcripts of readings
- LLResearch.com - 40 year full text archive of Law of One Ra transcripts and other readings
- Matthewbooks.com - 10 year full text archive of Matthew transcripts
- Hermetics.org - etexts from magic traditions plus John Dee, yoga etc.
- EsotericArchives.com - writings of Trithemius, Agrippa, Bruno, Dee, Grimoires
- Steiner Archive - books of Rudolf Steiner
- The Alchemy Lab - includes the writings from Hermes Trismegistus also here
- New Thought Texts - link list from DivineScience.com, also has Mary Baker Eddy
- Peter McWilliams - all his books free on-line
- WholeAgain.com - links to full-text classic metaphysical works
- MysticMasters.com - links to primary works also see nonduality.com
- Mysticism Resources - primary and secondary from Janz nicely categorized
- Inspired Writings from Mystics of All Religions - annotations only, no links
- Books on Yoga, Meditation and Spiritual Practice - also mysticism, Vedanta, etc
- Ramana-Maharshi.org - his books in several languages
- Arfalfa.com - works by Yogi Ramacharaka and others
- Official Mahatma Gandhi eArchive & Reference Library
- Islamlib - diverse collection from Islam, Bahai, Theosophy, yoga, more
- Bahai Sacred Writings - primary and secondary full-text sources
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library and Christian Classics Library (angelfire)
- On-Line Primary Literature Related to ancient Near Eastern religions, Hellenistic Mediterranian Religions and Biblical Study
- Saints' Lives - hundreds of medieval texts and documents
- Virtual Religion Index - from Rutgers
- Online Books Library (parapsychology section) - links to a broad spectrum of sources
- Harrold's Classroom of Online books, eBooks, eTexts - very diverse selection
- SurvivalAfterDeath.org - a nice selection of free on-line books and articles
- SNU.org.uk - free spiritualist PDF acrobat book e-library
- Spiritist Alliance for Books (SGNY) - over two dozen PDF titles translated from French and Portuguese works-Kardec, Denis, Xavier, Flammarion, more
- geae.inf.br - Brazilian spiritist html and PDF archive (titles in several languages)
- SpiritistDoctrine.net - spiritist ebooks
- Allan-Kardec.com - Spiritist e-books, mostly in French
- The History of Spiritualism (Vol. I) - by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1926, 330 pp
- The History of Spiritualism (Vol. II) - by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1926, 306 pp
- The Vital Message - by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930), 1919 also here
- The New Revelation - by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1919 also here
- On the edge of the Etheric - by Arthur Findlay, 1932. 214 pp
- Lawyer's Case for the Afterlife - Victor Zammit builds an air-tight case (.doc)
- Spiritualism in the Old Testament - G. Maurice Elliott, html version
- American spiritualism: a twenty years' record of the communion between earth and the world of spirits - by Emma Hardinge
- Questions Answered Extempore - by Emma Hardinge
- The debatable land between this world and the next, with illustrative narrations by Robert Dale Owen, 1872, 542 pp
- Planchette; or, The despair of science. Being a full account of modern spiritualism, its phenomena... With a survey of French spiritism - by Epes Sargent
Bibliographies / Timelines / Glossaries
Keywords: ePublishing eBooks e-Books Electronic Book Books Titles Bibliographies Bibliography spiritwritings.com spiritwriting.com Spirit Writing Spirit Writings Automatic Writing Spiritist Spiritualist Spiritualism Good Spirits Spirit Teachings Spirit Messages Discourses Divine Truth Conversations Dialogues Letters Scripts Script Transmissions Lessons Spirit Poetry Life Beyond Life After Death Seance Spirit Life Spirit World Unseen Heaven Beyond Hereafter Future Life Afterlife After Life After Death Communications with the Dead ADC Spirit Land Spiritland Summerland Summer Land Heaven Trance Medium Trance Mediums Trance Mediumship Seance Seances Sitters Alan Kardec Allan Kardec Cardec Cardek Cardeck Kardeck Angel Help Angels Helpers Spirit Guide Spiritual Guides Light Contactees Contactee Extraterrestrial Contact Trance Channeling Channeler Channeled Channelling Channeller Channeled Channel Channels Spirit Communion Spirit Intercourse Inward Witness Divine Voice Personal Revelation Spiritual Revelations Seth Speaks Edgar Cayce Psychography Ouija Planchette Automatism Heteromatic Slate Writing Materializations Materialization Direct Voice Ectoplasm Psychic Sonambulism Sonambule Departed Discarnate Entities Intelligences Metaphysics Metaphysical Spirit Wisdom Ascended Masters New Age God